The Den is an interactive dance concert for all bodies. The format is challenging to articulate but flows effortlessly through the body. The Den Concert invites you to laugh, play, and move pleasantly. We return to our body which is our house, and we feel good there. The concert is created from The Den Album, an innovative interdisciplinary music album. Through a creative approach in working with the body, dance, and music, its primary purpose is to influence a greater understanding of the body positively, the connection between body and mind, and awareness of breath and oneself, thus encouraging well-being.
Concept i coregraphy: Irma Unušić
Performance: Vanesa Petrac, Ivan Marojević, Irma Unušić
Music: Ivan Marojević, Vanesa Petrac, Nastasja Štefanić Kralj
Lyrics: Vanesa Petrac
Costumes: Selena Gazda, Irma Unušić
Visual: Petra Zlonoga
Photography: Mirjana Pjevac
Donation: Earthbound sneakers
Production: SHOOMA